
75th Anniversary of the Seige of Leningrad

On the 75th anniversary of the Seige of Leningrad by the Nazis, a picture of the Bronze Horseman, an iconic image of the Founder, Peter the Great.

The Statue takes a leading role in my talk about the founding of the City.

The Seige lasted 872 days and left the city devastated.  Many of the population perished.

Peter the Great at the Queen’s Gallery

Portrait of Peter the Great of Russia by Sir Godfrey Kneller. 1698.

This picture of Peter the Great is one of many interesting works that can be seen at the exhibition  Russia, Royalty and the Romanovs,  currently running at the Queen’s Gallery, Buckingham Palace. The picture features in my talk ‘The Bronze Horseman‘ which tells the story of the founding of St Petersburg, and also appears in ‘Russian Travellers in Europe in the late 18th Century.’

The portrait was painted by Kneller as a gift to the King of England.  Peter visited England and the Low Countries with a large group of followers during what is known as his Grand Embassy. Unlike later Russian travellers, who undertook ‘Grand Tours’ later in the century,  Peter’s expedition was of a largely utilitarian nature, although he did find time to indulge in entertainment.

The young Tsar had just achieved full control of Russia.  He was aiming to modernise his country, and his trip was focussed on learning more about the West and developing new skills. He also hoped to encourage closer diplomatic ties with Western powers.

In the picture Peter presents himself as a typical Western monarch.  The painting is not unlike that of James ll painted by Kneller in 1683 in a very similar pose

Portrait of James ll and Vl in armour, Sir Godfrey Kneller, 1683.

A Grand Tour

Only a couple of weeks to go now before I go on my ‘Grand Tour’ around Suffolk and North Essex making my small contribution to Hugh Belsey’s lecture series on the 18th Century Grand Tour.

I will be speaking about some of the Russians who travelled to Italy and beyond after 1762, when the gentry were free to travel abroad following their release from obligatory service to the state.

Despite the depradations of the Revolution and the Second World War, there are still reminders of these travels in Russia today, including some of the contents of Pavlosk Palace, pictured above.

A detail from a picture brought back by one traveller can be seen below.  Hot work for a hound!

The Eruption of Vesuvius 1771 (detail) Pierre-Jaques Volaire.

Starting again

This new site is dedicated to my ‘Russian’ actitivies

I will be posting information about my talks, translation and research services, together with other news and comment.

Please bear with me while I work out how to make the site work.  For someone as technically challenged as me this could take some time!