
I can offer talks on the following topics:

Inconvenient Truths.

Inspiration and obstacles encountered when researching and writing my historical novel, Small Acts of Kindness, a tale of the First Russian Revolution (more details under Publications tab).

Russian Landmarks.
A talk about several iconic buildings in Moscow and St Petersburg, including St Basil’s Cathedral and The Hermitage.

The Bronze Horseman, A Tale of Petersburg.
St Petersburg and its founder, Peter the Great, with special reference to the bronze statue of the Tsar and Pushkin’s poem of the same name

Russian Roads.
Reflections on travel and travellers through Russia

Between Heaven and Earth, 
Highlights from the history of the Russian Orthodox Church

A month in the Country, 
A talk about Dachas or about Russian Country Houses, their architecture and history , or a combination of the two.

The Art of Resistance 
Dissenting voices in art and literature of the 19th and 20th Centuries

Russian Grand Tourists

Russian travellers to Europe in the second half of the 18th Century.

From izbas to the Seven Sisters,

A survey of Russian buildings through the ages