Category: Russian history

A modest proposal

Ivan the Terrible showing his treasure to the English Ambassador. (Alexander Litovchenko 1875) The Russian Museum, Saint Petersburg. Did Ivan the Terrible propose to Elizabeth the First of England? I have been researching my Royal Connections talk that I will be giving to several historical societies later this year. Relations between the Russian and English […]

Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna and music in 19th Century Russia

Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna (1850)Christina Robertson (1796–1854) As I prepare for the publication and launch of my second novel, Fortune’s Price, I have taken some time out to read a book I came across recently about the life of the Grand Duchess, Elena Pavlovna (1807 – 1873)(pictured above). Born Princess Charlotte of Württemberg, she was […]

Controlling the corpse: the autocratic reaction to death

Berlin, demonstration after the murder of Alexey Navalny. 18th February 2024. Photograph: A Savin, Wikipedia Following the murder of the opposition leader, Alexey NavaIny, the Russian security services have, until yesterday, been attempting not only to retain control of his body but also to dictate the nature of his funeral. Such evidence of official paranoia […]