Category: Russian army

Prisoners at War

Prisoners are being used to replenish Russia’s depleted forces in Ukraine.  A week or so ago prison wagons were seen approaching the border, and on Twitter a film showed prisoners being promised freedom if they fought at the front for six months. This is nothing new.  In World War Two, prisoners from the Gulag were […]

Count chickens in the autumn

It has been reported  that at the time of the invasion of Ukraine, Russia had already issued a medal to reward soldiers participating in the anticipated fall of Kiev. The shiny badge is illustrated here.  Moreover, some troops, presumably elite regiments, involved in the ill-fated expedition, were ordered to pack parade uniforms for anticipated victory […]

War games

The Russian army is rightly preoccupying people at present.  When preparing for the first live talk I have given for quite a long time, I was trying to find a better image to illustrate Peter the Great’s ‘play regiments’. I came across this bright 17th century woodcut, the illustration from a book.  I think the figure […]