Author: Jenny Antill

Repin Retrospective

This year is the 175th anniversary of the birth of the wonderful Russian artist Ilya Repin (1844 to 1930).  To celebrate this the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow is staging a retrospective exhibition but sadly it will be over before I plan to be in Moscow later this year. Repin’s paintings are amazingly varied.  He produced […]

The Black Square

In my talk about the Art of Resistance (see talks tab above)  I devote some time to Malevich’s famous image from the beginning of the 20th Century, The Black Square. There is now an excellent Heni Talk about this picture available on-line given by the Director of the Whitechapel Art Gallery Iwona Blazwick.  She reflects […]

Russian Roads

V.G. Perov. The Last Inn (1868) Oil on Canvas  One of my talks is on the subject of Russian roads.  Russia is a big place and even today many roads are not particularly easy to navigate outside the main cities. In the talk I look at many aspects of the idea of rhe road.  I […]

A Grand Tour

Only a couple of weeks to go now before I go on my ‘Grand Tour’ around Suffolk and North Essex making my small contribution to Hugh Belsey’s lecture series on the 18th Century Grand Tour. I will be speaking about some of the Russians who travelled to Italy and beyond after 1762, when the gentry […]

Starting again

This new site is dedicated to my ‘Russian’ actitivies I will be posting information about my talks, translation and research services, together with other news and comment. Please bear with me while I work out how to make the site work.  For someone as technically challenged as me this could take some time!