Author: Jenny Antill

War games

The Russian army is rightly preoccupying people at present.  When preparing for the first live talk I have given for quite a long time, I was trying to find a better image to illustrate Peter the Great’s ‘play regiments’. I came across this bright 17th century woodcut, the illustration from a book.  I think the figure […]

A week of Royal Secrets

 Did Alexander the First of Russia really die at Taganrog in 1825? This week there has been new evidence suggesting that Richard the Third may not after all have murdered his nephews, Edward and Richard, in order to cement his position as King of England. This is not the first time that people have attempted […]

The Moscow Foundling Home

  The Moscow Foundling Home in the early 19th Century. Fyodor Alekseyev (c.1755 -1824) Many good stories include among their characters a foundling or an orphan.  Including a foundling in the mix gives the storyteller the chance to raise plenty of interesting questions about the past. In my book, The Legacy, for which I am […]

Shifting Stones

 I often marvel at how many buildings in the past were constructed without the help of machinery, and the same applies to moving large rocks across the countryside. We recently watched a programme about how the great bluestones that form part of the stone circles at Stonehenge actually came from a quarry in Wales some […]

Time for Turgenev

I have been reading The Europeans by Orlando Figes     The book traces the story of the relationship between the writer, Ivan Turgenev, and the Spanish opera singer Pauline Viardot.  Turgenov wrote that she was the only love of his life, and their relationship fluctuated between the very close to the quite distant over the […]

New talk in progress

Faberge Egg (1913) commemorating 300 yearsof Romanov rule  I am developing a more general talk on Russia for groups who want to enjoy an introduction to the country through its history. I shall look at six images of Russia, either objects or places, which will act as a ‘hook’ through which I shall discuss key […]